Immunology and Homeopathy ( होम्योपैथिक औषधियों की प्रतिरक्षण प्रणाली मे भूमिका )

होम्योपैथी दवाओं की शरीर की प्रतिरक्षण प्रणाली मे क्या भूमिका है , इस संदर्भ मे शोध पत्र हाल ही में आक्सफ़ोर्ड जर्नल मे प्रकाशित हुआ । यह शोध ईटली के department of medicine और sciences  के पौलो बेलवेटी , अनीता कम्फ़ोर्टी और रिचर्ड ओरटॊनी के तत्वधान मे हुआ । ४ भागों मे प्रकाशित यह शोध पत्र होम्योपैथी का इतिहास ,उच्च शक्ति की होम्योपैथिक औष्धियों ( आवोग्रादो सीमा के बाहर ) की  प्रतिरक्षण प्रणाली की सूक्ष्म कोशिकायें पर कार्य , होम्योपैथी दवाओं की पशुओं और पौधों  पर कार्य  और  नैदानिक (clinical ) परीक्षणॊं मे होम्योपैथिक की भूमिका पर प्रकाश डालता हुआ है । संबधित शोध पत्रों को डाउनलोड करने के लिये नीचे दिये लिंक पर चटका लगायें ।

Immunology and Homeopathy. 1. Historical Background  

Immunology and Homeopathy. 2. Cells of the Immune System and Inflammation                                                                       

Immunology and Homeopathy. 3. Experimental Studies on :
Animal Models

Immunology and Homeopathy. 4. Clinical Studies—Part 1 

Immunology and Homeopathy. 4. Clinical Studies—Part 2

Immunology and Homeopathy. 5. The Rationale of the ‘Simile’

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Immunology and Homeopathy. 1. Historical Background
Paolo Bellavite1
, Anita Conforti
, Valeria Piasere1
and Riccardo Ortolani
Department of Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche,
Department of Medicina e Sanita ` Pubblica and
Association for Integrative Medicine ‘Giovanni Scolaro’, University of Verona, Piazza L.A. Scuro,
37134 Verona, Italy
Homeopathy was born as an experimental discipline, as can be seen from the enormous amount of
homeopathic data collected over more than two centuries. However, the medical tradition of homeo-
pathy has been separated from that of conventional science for a long time. Conventional scientific wis-
dom dictates that homeopathy should have no effect above placebo but experiments on ultra-high
dilutions of solutes together with some clinical data suggest the intriguing possibility that it might do
in some circumstances. Today, an osmotic process between disciplines, previously seen as in conflict,
is facilitated because over the last few decades homeopathy has initiated the methods of current medical
science and a substantial number of experimental studies—at molecular, cellular and clinical levels—are
available. One area of dialogue and of common progress is that of inflammation and immunity, probably
because these are closely related to the traditional ‘vital force’ of the body’s self-healing power. In a
series of papers we review the historical origins of homeopathy, the laboratory and animal models
related to the field of immunopharmacology, the clinical evidence in favor and against the use of homeo-
pathy in the inflammatory diseases and the hypotheses regarding its action mechanism(s). Finally, we
will enlighten the specific characteristics of the homeopathic approach, which places great emphasis
on identifying a cure for the whole organism.
Keywords: Hahnemann – Hippocrates – history of medicine – homeopathy – immunotherapy –
isotherapy – nosodes – Paracelsus – similia principle

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Immunology and Homeopathy. 2. Cells of the Immune System
and Inflammation
Paolo Bellavite1
, Anita Conforti
, Francesco Pontarollo1
and Riccardo Ortolani
Department of Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche,
Department of Medicina e Sanita ` Pubblica and 3
for Integrative Medicine ‘Giovanni Scolaro’, University of Verona, Piazza L.A. Scuro, 37134 Verona, Italy
Here we describe the results of some experimental laboratory studies aimed at verifying the efficacy of
high dilutions of substances and of homeopathic medicines in models of inflammation and immunity.
Studies carried out on basophils, lymphocytes, granulocytes and fibroblasts are reviewed. This approach
may help to test under controlled conditions the main principles of homeopathy such as ‘similarity’ of
drug action at the cellular level and the effects of dilution/dynamization on the drug activity. The current
situation is that few and rather small groups are working on laboratory models for homeopathy. Regard-
ing the interpretation of data in view of the simile principle, we observe that there are different levels of
similarity and that the laboratory data give support to this principle, but have not yet yielded the ultimate
answer to the action mechanism of homeopathy. Evidence of the biological activity in vitro of highly
diluted-dynamized solutions is slowly accumulating, with some conflicting reports. It is our hope that
this review of literature unknown to most people will give an original and useful insight into the
‘state-of-the-art’ of homeopathy, without final conclusions ‘for’ or ‘against’ this modality. This kind
of uncertainty may be difficult to accept, but is conceivably the most open-minded position now.
Keywords: in vitro test – laboratory models – homeopathy – high-dilution – immune system –
basophils – granulocytes – lymphocytes – similia principle

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Immunology and Homeopathy. 3. Experimental Studies on
Animal Models
Paolo Bellavite1
, Riccardo Ortolani
and Anita Conforti
Department of Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche,
Association for Integrative Medicine ‘‘Giovanni Scolaro’’ and
Department of Medicina e Sanita ` Pubblica, University of Verona, Piazza L.A. Scuro, 37134 Verona, Italy
A search of the literature and the experiments carried out by the authors of this review show that there are
a number of animal models where the effect of homeopathic dilutions or the principles of homeopathic
medicine have been tested. The results relate to the immunostimulation by ultralow doses of antigens,
the immunological models of the ‘simile’, the regulation of acute or chronic inflammatory processes
and the use of homeopathic medicines in farming. The models utilized by different research groups
are extremely etherogeneous and differ as the test medicines, the dilutions and the outcomes are
concerned. Some experimental lines, particularly those utilizing mice models of immunomodulation
and anti-inflammatory effects of homeopathic complex formulations, give support to a real effect of
homeopathic high dilutions in animals, but often these data are of preliminary nature and have not
been independently replicated. The evidence emerging from animal models is supporting the traditional
‘simile’ rule, according to which ultralow doses of compounds, that in high doses are pathogenic, may
have paradoxically a protective or curative effect. Despite a few encouraging observational studies,
the effectiveness of the homeopathic prevention or therapy of infections in veterinary medicine is not
sufficiently supported by randomized and controlled trials.
Keywords: homeopathy – immunology – animal models – veterinary homeopathy – similia principle –
ultra-high dilutions – isopathy – homeopathic complexes – paradoxical pharmacology

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Immunology and Homeopathy. 4. Clinical Studies—Part 1
Paolo Bellavite1
, Riccardo Ortolani
, Francesco Pontarollo1
, Valeria Piasere1
Giovanni Benato2
and Anita Conforti
Department of Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche,
Association for Integrative Medicine ‘Giovanni Scolaro’ and
Department of Medicina e Sanita ` Pubblica, University of Verona, Piazza L.A. Scuro, 37134 Verona, Italy
The evidence-based research of the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in common immunologic
disorders is reviewed. In part 1, we introduce methodological issues of clinical research in homeopathy,
and criteria utilized to evaluate the literature. Then 24 studies (12 randomized and 12 non-randomized)
on common upper respiratory tract infections and otorhinolaryngologic complaints are described. In part
2, the focus will be on allergic diseases and the effectiveness of homeopathy will be globally evaluated
and discussed using the criteria of evidence-based medicine.
Keywords: evidence-based homeopathy – homeopathy – homeopatic medications – immunology –
otitis – sinusitis – stomatitis – upper respiratory tract infections

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Immunology and Homeopathy. 4. Clinical Studies—Part 2

Paolo Bellavite1
, Riccardo Ortolani
, Francesco Pontarollo1
, Valeria Piasere1
Giovanni Benato2
and Anita Conforti
Department of Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche,
Association for Integrative Medicine ‘Giovanni Scolaro’ and
Department of Medicina e Sanita ` Pubblica, University of Verona, Piazza L.A. Scuro, 37134 Verona, Italy
The clinical studies on the effectiveness of homeopathy in respiratory allergy (18 randomized trials
and 9 observational studies) are described. The literature of common immunologic disorders including
also upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and otorhinolaryngology (reported in part 1), is evaluated
and discussed. Most of initial evidence-based research was addressed to the question of whether
homeopathic high dilutions are placebos or possess specific effects, but this question has been often
equivocal and is still a matter of debate. The evidence demonstrates that in some conditions homeopathy
shows significant promise, e.g. Galphimia glauca (low dilutions/potencies) in allergic oculorhinitis,
classical individualized homeopathy in otitis and possibly in asthma and allergic complaints, and a few
low-potency homeopathic complexes in sinusitis and rhinoconjunctivitis. A general weakness of
evidence derives from lack of independent confirmation of reported trials and from presence of
conflicting results, as in case of homeopathic immunotherapy and of classical homeopathy for URTI.
The suitable methods to evaluate homeopathy effectiveness, without altering the setting of cure, are also
Keywords: allergy – asthma – evidence-based homeopathy – homeopathic immunotherapy –
homeopathic medications – homeopathy – immunology – isopathy – rhinoconjunctivitis

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Immunology and Homeopathy. 5. The Rationale of the ‘Simile’

Paolo Bellavite1
, Riccardo Ortolani
, Francesco Pontarollo1
, Giuseppina Pitari
and Anita Conforti
Department of Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche, University of Verona, Piazza L. A. Scuro, 37134 Verona,
Association for Integrative Medicine ‘Giovanni Scolaro’,
Department of Basic and Applied Biology,
University of L’Aquila and 4
Department of Medicina e Sanita ` Pubblica, University of Verona, Italy
The foundation of homeopathic medicine is the ‘Similia Principle’, also known as the ‘Principle
of Similarity’ or also as the ‘Simile’, which reflects the inversion of pharmacological effects in
healthy subjects as compared with sick ones. This article describes the inversion of effects, a
widespread medical phenomenon, through three possible mechanisms: non-linearity of dose–
response relationship, different initial pathophysiological states of the organism, and
pharmacodynamics of body response to the medicine. Based on the systemic networks which
play an important role in response to stress, a unitary and general model is designed:
homeopathic medicines could interact with sensitive (primed) regulation systems through
complex information, which simulate the disorders of natural disease. Reorganization of
regulation systems, through a coherent response to the medicine, could pave the way to the
healing of the cellular, tissue and neuro-immuno-endocrine homeodynamics. Preliminary
evidence is suggesting that even ultra-low doses and high-dilutions of drugs may incorporate
structural or frequency information and interact with chaotic dynamics and physical-
electromagnetic levels of regulation. From the clinical standpoint, the ‘simile’ can be regarded
as a heuristic principle, according to which the detailed knowledge of pathogenic effects of
drugs, associated with careful analysis of signs and symptoms of the ill subject, could assist
in identifying homeopathic remedies with high grade of specificity for the individual case.

Keywords: action–reaction principle – biologic networks – homeopathic medicine – hormesis –
inverse effects – paradoxical pharmacology – response to stress – self-organization – Similia
principle –Wilder’s rule

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3 responses to “Immunology and Homeopathy ( होम्योपैथिक औषधियों की प्रतिरक्षण प्रणाली मे भूमिका )

  1. डॉक्टर सा को नये साल की शुभकामना देने चले आये.

  2. नए साल की शुभकामनाएँ!
    इन शोधों पर आप की राय होती तो हम अधिक लाभान्वित होते।

  3. पिंगबैक: Scientific Research in Homeopathy Triple Blind studies, Double-Blind Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial, Systematic Reviews & Meta Analysis, Evidence-base | होम्योपैथी-नई सोच/नई दिशायें

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