Category Archives: flow chart of bach flower remedies

Gentian – the belief bachflower

Mind map of Gentian

मामूली कॆ कारणॊ से निराश हो जाना । रोगी की मरजी के खिलाफ़ जरा सा भी कुछ हो जायॆ , वह निरा्शा हो जाता है । ऐसा मानसिक अवसाद जिसका कॊई कारण नही होता । ( Aspen -depression from unknown fear )

सफ़लता के बारे मे शक करना । जीवन मे कोई भी रुकावट आते ही निराश हो जाता है । उन रुकावटॊ को दूर करनॆ कॆ बजाय वह आगे बढना ही छॊड देता है ।

हिम्मत हार जाना । उदास हो जाना ।

शक्की स्वभाव । हमेशा निराशावादी दृष्टिकोण । कॊई भी नया काम शुरु करनॆ कॆ पहलॆ शक करना कि उसमे सफ़लता मिलेगी कि नही । ” क्या मै इस दवा से ठीक हो जाउंगा , क्या इस दवा से मुझे आराम मिलेगा |” रॊगी की इसी निगॆटिव एप्रोच से रोग से लडनॆ की ताकत खत्म हो जाती है

Depression from unknown cause

easily discouraged by set back .

Sees only the dark , gloomy & negative side of life .

They lack faith & so react towards any negative condition .

Mind map of Centaury – the service flower

Mind map of Centaury



Lack of will, a weak willed slave doing other’s job, who cannot refuse to be used as door-mat by others. Persons who appear to have no choice except to obey others.

Centaurium erythraea, Centaurium umbellatum

1. Good natured, obedient, pleasant individuals, responsive to praise, who are guided by others and easily taken advantage of by their fellows.

2. Easily influenced by stronger personalities.

3. Easily persuaded.

4. They simply can’t say ‘No’ to others or refuse them.

5. Over-governed and exploited by others, they complain of tiredness and overwork.

6. Sometimes a martyr (because of sacrifices).

7. A slave, rather than a conscious helper.

8. Easily led astray in the desire to please others.

9. Desire for validation and recognition.

10. Most sensitive of all the Bach Flower Remedies.

11. Easily made unsure, upset and hurt.

12. Avoids disputes, unable to stand up for own interests.

13. Tends to give more than he has.

14. ‘Cinderella’ or doormat for others.

Mind map of Pine

SimpleMind Mind Map - पाइन ( Pine )

एडवर्ड बैच के अनुसार :

“ For those who blames themselves . Even when succesful they think they could have done better and are never contended with their efforts or the results . They are hard working and suffer much from the faults working and suffer much from the faults attach to themselves . Sometimes if there is any mistake it is due to others , but they will claim resposibility even for that

पाइन पर पह्ले भी लिख चुका हूँ । यह एक बुजुर्ग मुस्लिम अनुयायी का केस था जो अपने ही अतंर्द्न्द के होते हुये मानसिक अवसाद तक जा पहुँचा । देखॆं : मेरी डायरी से -“बैच फ़्लावर औषधि–पाइन” :

और यह भी देखॆ :


पाइन व्यक्तित्व का व्यक्ति छॊटी २ गलतियों केलिये अपने आप को दोषी समझते हैं । वैसे पाइन का व्यक्तित्व मेहनती , ईमानदार और दूसरॊ का दु:ख दर्द मे शरीक होने होते हैं । धर्म कर्म में इनकी आस्था और विशवास होता है । अत्यन्त उच्च आर्दश्वादी होने के कारण अगर उन आर्दशॊं के पालन करने मे कुछ भूल रह जाती है तो अपराध बोध की भावना से ग्रस्त हो जाते हैं ।

पाइन का व्यक्तित्व अपनी ही नजर में बौना सा रहता है । अपनी ही उपल्ब्धियों को वह कम कर के आँकते हैं और दूसरों से कम योग्य सम्झते हैं ।और यहि उनके अवसाद का कारण भी रहता है । पाइन ऐसे मनुष्यों मे नकरात्मक सोच को दूर करके अपराधबोध की भावना से मुक्त करती है ।

पाइन स्वभाव वाले व्यक्तित्व के कुछ  ऋण पक्ष :

  • हीन भावना (guilty complex )
  • स्वदोषी ( self reproach )
  • अन्तर्मुखी ( introvert )
  • बात-२ में क्षमा करने का उपयोग करना ।
  • दूसरों के दोषों के लिये भी अपने को दोषी ठहराना ।
  • संकोची व्यक्तित्व

PINE [Pine]

Self condemnation. ‘Guilt complex’. Blames himself even for the fault of others. Over conscientious, always tries to improve his work, and never satisfied with his own achievements. Even when trying his best to improve the lot of his fellow men, if he falls ill, he would still blame himself for not doing enough in his noble mission. He is, so to say, always on the look out for an excuse to blame himself. He can never be happy, as he allergic to happiness.

BOTANICAL NAME: Pinus sylvestris

: -Self-reproach, guilt feelings, despondency.

-Tired and worn out feeling.

-Never really satisfied with themselves.

-Blame themselves, asks more of himself than of others, and if the high standards applied to himself cannot be lived up to, he feels guilty and desperately blames himself in his heart.

-Will tend to be the scapegoat in the class and will uncomplainingly take the punishments for crimes they have not even committed.

-Always apologizing and using apologetic phrases in conversation.

-Feels guilty when need arises to speak firmly to others.

-Childish nervousness.

-Feels unworthy, inferior. Considers self a coward.

-Masochistic desire to sacrifice themselves and may punish themselves for life by choosing an inconsiderate partner.

-Religious beliefs strong, sees sexuality as sin.

-Negative narcissism.

-Personality shuts itself off from love, feels undeserving of love.

-Feeling he does not deserve anything.

-Introverted, little joy in life.

Mind Map of Cherry Plum


  1. शारीरिक और भावात्मक आवेशों पर नियंत्रण का अभाव (Fear of losing one’s mind )
  2. क्रोध और आवेश की स्थिति में अशोभनीय हरकतें , स्वयं से भय ( Fear of loss of control , uncontrolled outbreaks of temper , feels he will become mad )
  3. मानसिक आवेग पागलपन तक

Desperation. Fear of losing his mind’s control over his actions. Can do anything, even kill somebody or kill himself at the spur of the moment, without thinking.

Unbearable condition of the mind. Apt to act on impulse than on reason.

BOTANICAL NAME: Prunus cerasifera

: -People losing their self-control on heading for a breakdown. Desperate, about to have a nervous breakdown.

-Fear of doing something terrible at any moment (something one would never normally do) and then having to regret for it for the rest of one’s life.

-Afraid one is going mad.

-Compulsive ideas, de
outbreaks of rage.

-Destructive impulses, danger of suicide.

-Useful in the treatment of bedwetting in children (self- control of daytime released during sleep, when there is no conscious body control).

-Useful for rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Mind Map of Honeysuckle

SimpleMind Mind Map - Honeysuckle ( हनिसकल )(1)

Honeysucke :

“ पुरानी यादॊं में खोये रहना , भूतकाल की घटना की याद मॆ ऐसा खोना कि वर्तमान की हालात से बिल्कुल लापरवाही , घर की याद करना ”                                         डा. एडवर्ड बैच

Always thinking and talking of the past events and life.

Cannot break contact with the past events. Regrets and remorse for the past events. Does not live in the present, makes no effort to solve the present difficulties, escapism into the past. Cannot get over the loss of a person one loved (parent, child, spouse, friend).

BOTANICAL NAME: Lonicera caprifolium

: -Longing for the past, regrets over the past.

-Lives mentally in the past, has no interest in the present.

-Glorifies the past, expecting it to return.

-Can’t accept any change, still clinging to the past.

-Unconsciously refuse to see and accept new developments.

-They fix their mind on just one aspect, usually a pleasant one, regret for missed opportunities, missed chances and unfulfilled hopes.

-Honeysuckle helps the dying to ‘let go’ more easily.

-Cannot get over the loss of a person one loved.

-Recollections of childhood.

-It can be used to combat regret that one is getting old.


: -Compare-Clematis (escapes from the present into a fantasy life, hoping for a better future).

-Honeysuckle (escapes to the past and expects nothing positive from present and future).