Bach Flower Remedies for DEPRESSION

Bach Flower Remedies for DEPRESSION

Cherry Plum: Fear of losing control of own mind or behaviour. Key remedy for feeling  SUICIDAL.

Crab Apple: Poor self image, ashamed or embarrassed by unpleasant physical symptoms, characteristics or features. Self-hatred.

Gorse : hopelessness, despair, pessimism.

Mustard: Unexplained deep gloom (depression) which comes and goes for no apparent reason. Often caused by unrecognized anger.

Pine: When you feel full of guilt and blame yourself for everything, even the mistakes of others.

Sweet Chestnut: When you are at the limits of endurance and deep despair. Feeling SUICIDAL.

White Chestnut: Have unwanted thoughts, preoccupied and worried, sleeplessness and frontal headaches.

Rock Rose: For Panic Attacks

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