कुछ नयी होम्योपैथिक औषधियों के औषधि परीक्षण-1 (The Provings of new Homeopathic Remedies-1)

  होम्योपैथिक औषधियों के परीक्षण स्वस्थ मनुषयों पर किये जाते हैं । इधर हाल के दिनों मे कई नई औषधियों का समावेश हुआ है , यह बात कि अलबत्ता कि यह भारत मे उपलब्ध नहीं है । टन्ब्रिज वेल्स , केन्ट की हिलोऐस फ़ार्मेसी इन औषधियों के अधिकृत विक्रेता हैं ।


Go to the AIDS proving.

The AIDS Nosode

The nosode prepared from the blood of a man diagnosed as having Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome who subsequently died of Syndrome related diseases.

Conducted by Misha Norland at The School of Homœopathy in 1994 and 1995.

Go to the Falco proving.

Falco Peregrinus Disciplinatus

Trained Peregrine Falcon

A remedy prepared from the blood and feather of a Peregrine Tiercel who had been bred in captivity and trained to hunt in the traditional manner.

Conducted by Misha Norland at
The School of Homœopathy in 1997.

Go to the Positronium proving.



The radiation produced in the annihilation of Positronium atoms.

Conducted by Misha Norland at The School of Homœopathy in 1998.

Go to the Dreaming Potency proving.

Dreaming Potency

A remedy prepared from a medicine given to Janet Snowdon by Sangomas in South Africa.

Conducted by Janet Snowdon in Bath in 1996.

Go to the Proving of Kauri.

Agathis Australis


A remedy prepared from the gum of the magnificent Kauri tree of New Zealand.

Conducted by Misha Norland
at The School of Homœopathy.

Go to the Proving of Lava.


Basaltic Lava from Flagstaff Arizona.

Conducted by Misha Norland at The School of Homœopathy

Go to the Proving of Crack Willow.

Salix fragilis

Crack Willow

Conducted by Penny Stirling in Bristol in 1998.

Go to the Proving of North Wales Slate.

North Wales Slate

Conducted by Misha Norland in Czechoslovakia
and by Andy Brachi and Jenny Hill in North Wales

Summer 1996

Go to the Proving of
Knopper Oak Galls

Knopper Oak Gall

Gall on Quercus pendunculata caused by the wasp Cynips calicis.

Conducted by Misha Norland in Moravia in 1998.

Go to the Proving of


D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

Conducted by Misha Norland
at The School of Homœopathy in 1999.

Go to the Proving of Heroin



Conducted by Janet Snowdon in 1999 and 2000

Go to the Proving of Reindeer Moss

Reindeer Moss

Cladonia rangiferina

Conducted by Misha Norland
at the School of Homœopathy in 2000

Go to the Proving of Bewick Swan

Cygnus Bewickii

The Bewick Swan

Conducted by Penny Stirling in Bristol 2002

Go to the Proving of Rubber

Latex vulcani

Vulcanized Rubber prepared from a natural latex condom.

Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser
at The School of Homœopathy in 2001

Go to the Proving of Buckyballs

Carbo Fullerenum

Buckyballs or Carbon 60

Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser
at The School of Homœopathy in 2002

Go to the Proving of Galium Aparine

Galium aparine

Cleavers or Goosegrass

Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser
at The School of Homœopathy in 2003

Go to the Proving of Passer domesticus

Passer domesticus

The House Sparrow

Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser
at the School of Homœopathy in 2004

Go to the Proving of
Pavo Cristatus

Pavo cristatus

Peacock Feather

Conducted by Peter Fraser
and members of The Homœopathic Development and Research Centre Kathmandu, Nepal in 2005

Go to the Proving of
Blatta orientalis

Blatta orientalis


Conducted by Dr. Munjal Thakar
in Bombay in 1995

Provings now being Collated

Provings whose results are now being collated and prepared for publication on this site include:

Aqua nova

Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser
at the School of Homœopathy in 2006

Amphisbaena alba

Conducted by Misha Norland
at the School of Homœopathy in 2001

The Provings of New Homœopathic Remedies

The texts of the following provings are available on this site or are in the process of being compiled. Each proving includes the symptoms as recorded by the provers or their supervisors, an introduction by the proving’s organizer and other information about the substance, a repertorization and details of cured cases.

Creative Commons License
These provings are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Obtaining Remedies

All these provings were conducted with Remedies that are available from Helios Homœopathic Pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England. Helios is both knowledgeable about and supportive of the proving of new remedies.

Go to the Helios Website at www.helios.co.uk

4 responses to “कुछ नयी होम्योपैथिक औषधियों के औषधि परीक्षण-1 (The Provings of new Homeopathic Remedies-1)

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    Hope you will post the more provings as it happen.

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  2. @Vijaykumar Dave,
    विजय जी , आपका इस चिट्ठे मे स्वागत है । मुझे भी इस चिट्ठे के छॊटे से प्रयास को गुजराती मे translate होते देखकर बहुत प्रसन्नता होगी ।

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