Doctor urges fast food restaurants to hand out pharma drugs like ketchup packets (opinion)

What a idea !! Happy Meals with free antidepressants, of course! Buy a Happy Meal and your kid gets some psychiatric drugs included with the toy. Munch away, kiddies!
Or how about free diabetes drugs with every 12-pack of Coca-Cola products. Drink up all that liquid sugar, folks, and just be sure to swallow your diabetes pills that are included!
Why not have free chemotherapy pills in every pack of hot dogs? That way, little kids can eat their hot dogs and then experience just enough nausea to vomit the processed meat back up. Problem solved!

Believe it or not , in future the food induced diseases will be more common than the natural diseases … this is  not my opinion but a conventional M.D. thinks so . Read the story :

Doctor urges fast food restaurants to hand out pharma drugs like ketchup packets (opinion)

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